Hi Lily, this is a great write up. Thanks for sharing your insights. In regards to your thoughts on riding the hype wave and optionable securities I’ve found a really good tool for screening and finding names that make big moves. About 2 years ago I started following a guy named David Pinsen on Seeking Alpha. His articles intrigued me and I looked into his hedging app called Portfolio Armor. ( Check out the Portfolio Armor app)
His articles are based around using his portfolio hedging tool to find the cheapest put options to hedge against a given % pullback and the hedging cost can be offset by setting an optional collar. I didn’t really understand much about options at the time but his articles interested me. He also posted results of the algorithm’s daily “Top Names” pick after 6 months. They were doing quite well. After reading his articles for about a year I pulled the trigger in July and subscribed to get access to the platform. Based on his Top Names I took small positions in ones I could afford or I would buy just OTM calls expiring in a month or so. I took my play account on RH from $2500 to $30k since July. Some of the names that I invested in before they ran up were PENN GDX AMD PLUG NNDM TRINE(DM) SPCE PLTR CCIV among others.
I’m back to $20k now after the GME debacle and last weeks pullback. But still! Pretty awesome results for me.
There was one thing that bothered me though. For months $SLV was continuously on algo’s Top Names list, and it didn’t make sense. So I emailed him and asked why since it has never really moved, and continues to stay on the list. He is very responsive to emails and has written several articles in response to my questions. I’ve pasted a link to the article he wrote describing why SLV met the algo’s criteria for inclusion. It really breaks down the inner workings of the algorithm. I’m sharing this because I think that you and some of your friends Like Alex Good, Convex Value, Freak0naut, Kris Sidial and others could potentially extrapolate on this theory. I am not a math or coding genius. I have to rely on others for that. I’m just really good at finding things and seeing patterns and connections. (I have data to confirm that) my Twitter is @acmeinventor. I would love to hear your thoughts, and your friends, on the Portfolio Armor algorithm, and how it may correlate with some of your work. Please keep me in the loop if you find it useful and use it. Below is the article David wrote breaking down how the algo works.
I know this is a long drawn out comment but I’m very intrigued by NOPE and have been following your work intently and trying to find a good way to use it.
Typo: "My full expectation is we will blaze it again, probably pretty quickly in 2020."
Check out LFIN. The ultimate zombie crypto play. Please don't risk your money in there... LFIN is pure evil.
Hi Lily, this is a great write up. Thanks for sharing your insights. In regards to your thoughts on riding the hype wave and optionable securities I’ve found a really good tool for screening and finding names that make big moves. About 2 years ago I started following a guy named David Pinsen on Seeking Alpha. His articles intrigued me and I looked into his hedging app called Portfolio Armor. ( Check out the Portfolio Armor app)
His articles are based around using his portfolio hedging tool to find the cheapest put options to hedge against a given % pullback and the hedging cost can be offset by setting an optional collar. I didn’t really understand much about options at the time but his articles interested me. He also posted results of the algorithm’s daily “Top Names” pick after 6 months. They were doing quite well. After reading his articles for about a year I pulled the trigger in July and subscribed to get access to the platform. Based on his Top Names I took small positions in ones I could afford or I would buy just OTM calls expiring in a month or so. I took my play account on RH from $2500 to $30k since July. Some of the names that I invested in before they ran up were PENN GDX AMD PLUG NNDM TRINE(DM) SPCE PLTR CCIV among others.
I’m back to $20k now after the GME debacle and last weeks pullback. But still! Pretty awesome results for me.
There was one thing that bothered me though. For months $SLV was continuously on algo’s Top Names list, and it didn’t make sense. So I emailed him and asked why since it has never really moved, and continues to stay on the list. He is very responsive to emails and has written several articles in response to my questions. I’ve pasted a link to the article he wrote describing why SLV met the algo’s criteria for inclusion. It really breaks down the inner workings of the algorithm. I’m sharing this because I think that you and some of your friends Like Alex Good, Convex Value, Freak0naut, Kris Sidial and others could potentially extrapolate on this theory. I am not a math or coding genius. I have to rely on others for that. I’m just really good at finding things and seeing patterns and connections. (I have data to confirm that) my Twitter is @acmeinventor. I would love to hear your thoughts, and your friends, on the Portfolio Armor algorithm, and how it may correlate with some of your work. Please keep me in the loop if you find it useful and use it. Below is the article David wrote breaking down how the algo works.
I know this is a long drawn out comment but I’m very intrigued by NOPE and have been following your work intently and trying to find a good way to use it.